Doctor of Physical Therapy

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Introduction of Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is a health care profession concerned with human function and movement and maximizing potential for healthier smooth life. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintainand restore physical, psychological and social well-being, taking account of variations in health status. It is science-based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgment and informed interpretation is at its core.
The mission of physical therapy professional education is to graduate knowledgeable, service -oriented practitioners who, by virtue of critical and integrative thinking render independent, evidence-based judgments concerning patient needs.

Scope of Physical Therapy

The practice of physical therapy is the assessment ,evaluation,diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal , cardiorespiratory systems of the body by physical means for the purpose of maintenance or restoration of function that has been impaired by injury or disease, for pain management and for the promotion of mobility and health. Paediatrics and sports injuries are also dealt by physiotherapist.
Recent development and scope is direct access of patient by physiotherapists for better health care services to community.

Physical Therapy Specialities

  1. Musculoskeletal physical therapy
  2. Neurological physical therapy
  3. Respiratory physical therapy
  4. Cardiovascular physical therapy
  5. Pediatric physical therapy
  6. Geriatric physical therapy
  7. Integumentary Physical therapy
  8. Women’s health (Gynecology and obstetrics)
  9. Sport Physical therapy


1st Year
Sr # Subject Title Theory Marks Practical / Viva / Clinical Marks Total Marks
1 Anatomy 1 100 100 200
2 Physiology 100 100 200
3 Kinesiology 100 100 200
4 Biochemistry & Genetics 1 100 N/A 100
5 English 100 N/A 100
6 Introduction to computer 100 N/A 100
  Total 700 400 1100
2nd Year
Sr # Subject Title Theory Marks Practical / Viva / Clinical Marks Total Marks
1 Anatomy II 100 100 200
2 Physiology II 100 100 200
3 Biochemistry & Ergonomics 100 100 200
4 Biochemistry & Genetics II 100 N/A 100
5 Exercise Physiolgy 100 N/A 100
6 Sociology & Health and Wellness 100 (50 + 50 ) N/A 100
7 Medical Physics 100 N/A 100
8 Islamic Studies & Pakistan Studies 100 (50 + 50 ) N/A 100
  Total 800 400 1200
3rd Year
Sr # Subject Title Theory Marks Practical / Viva / Clinical Marks Total Marks
1 Pathology & Microbiology 100 100 200
2 Pharmacology 100 100 200
3 Physical Agents & Electrotherapy 100 100 200
4 Therapeutics Exercise & Techniques 100 100 200
5 Manual Therapy 100 100 200
6 Evidence Based & Professional Practice 100 (50 + 50 ) N/A 100
7 Behavioral Sciences 100 N/A 100
  Total 700 500 1200
4th Year
Sr # Subject Title Theory Marks Practical / Viva / Clinical Marks Total Marks
1 Medicine Including Supervised Clinical Practice I & II 100 200 300
2 Clinical Decision Making & Differential Diagnosis 100 100 200
3 Musculoskeletal Phusical Therapy Including Clinical Practice III 100 200 300
4 Neurological Physical Therapy Including Clinical Practice IV 100 200 200
5 Community Medicine & Research Methodology 100 N/A 100
6 Prosthetics & Orthotics, Human Development & Community Based Rehabilitaion 100 (50 + 50 ) N/A 100
  Total 600 700 1300
5th Year
Sr # Subject Title Theory Marks Practical / Viva / Clinical Marks Total Marks
1 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Including Supervised Clinical Practice V 100 200 300
2 Emeregency Procedures & Primary Care In Physical Therapy 100 N/A 100
3 Surgery & Integumentry Physical Therapy Including Supervised Clinical Practice VI 100 200 300
4 Physical Therapy In Paediatric And Gyne & Obseterics 100 100 200
5 Gerontology & Geriatric Physical Therapy 100 N/A 100
6 Sports Physical Therapy 100 N/A 100
  Total 600 700 1300


Telephone: +92 42 37498424
Address: 157, Westwood Colony, Raiwind Road, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore