1. The Institute has a fairly clear fee policy as all students are provided a detailed fee schedule prior to beginning their course of studies. Tuition fee /other charges once paid are non-refundable.
  2. The admission fee and other charges are payable at the time of admission.
  3. All tuition fee is payable advance. The tuition fee other charges are subject to increase of 10% – 12% on annual basis at the discretion of the Institute Management. However such increase is not more than 15% on annual basis and is applicable on all fee/dues/charges payable by the candidate.
  4. Tuition fee is payable by 5th day of commencement of the classes. In case of non-payment, a fine of Rs, 100/- per day for each day of late payment for the first 5 days, after which the fine will be doubled to Rs, 200/- per day till the end of the month.
  5. After 30th of the month, the defaulter’s name is struck off the Institute rolls without notice. The student will have to reapply for admission after fulfilling all requirements, payments of late fee penalty including
    admission-processing charges.
  6. Students wishing to deposit their tuition fee on monthly basis are allowed to do so by paying additional installment charges in addition to the prescribed fee. Details of installment package are notified separately each year by the management.
  7. All dues/charges of University of Sargodha, which may include registration charges, enrollment charges, sports fund, examination fees for each year, fee-share charges, or any other etc are payable separately by the students.