- All students are required to be punctual in their attendance for their respective classes. The timings are notified well in advance on the notice board for all lectures, demonstrations, seminars, tutorial classes and practical in the Institute.
- No students are allowed to leave the lecture room or practical class without permission of faculty or until the class is dismissed.
- Students who are absent from their classes shall be liable to pay a fine of Rs, 100/- per day. A fine of Rs, 50/- will be levied for absence from each lecture, demonstration or practical class. This fine shall be over and above the fine/penalty for skipping class tests/quiz examinations.
- Repeated absence from lectures, practical classes, demonstrations, seminars, tutorials will make a student liable to be expelled from the Institute without notification after 15 days.
- Every student shall be required to attend at least 80 percent of the lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical and clinical demonstrations in each subject, failing which her name shall be forwarded to the Faculty/ Certification Agency/University for the purpose of appearing in the Final Examination.
- Under any circumstances leave taken will be at student’s own risk in so far as percentage of attendance is concerned. A medical certificate will not condone a deficiency in attendance. Sick leave, even if sanctioned by faculty/competent authority on medical grounds leading to absence in an examination will mean incomplete attendance for that particular subject.
- The name of the students, who is absent without leave continuously for a period of four weeks, will be struck off from the Institute. In such a case she will leave or re-apply for admission and pay all necessary fees/dues.
- Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the institute, any students found using cell phone will be fine Rs.500.